
Parent Solutions

How many hours of study should my child be doing whilst their school is closed?

Each individual is different and also will have an optimal learning capacity and routine. Generally, it is recommended that the following be observed;

2-3 hours for the early years

3-4 hours for mid-school

5-8 hours for advanced education

The above is a guide only – it is wise to familiarise yourself with the signs of stress and tiredness to devise calendars and mini work-breaks or activities to monitor this.  Fleet Tutors have experienced private tutors who are able to plan and work with you to maximise your child’s learning potential whilst ensuring they continue to enjoy and progress through the key stages.

The Fleet Tutors Online Classroom is delivered by a carefully selected and dedicated Fleet Tutor, this is a much more focussed and individualised learning solution than that typically afforded via eLearning platforms.

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Anxiety through school closures

Home-Schooling a Parents Guide

Eliminate home schooling anxiety – change and uncertainty are inevitably a cause for concern.

Juggling many tasks and working from home whilst looking after the kids is often quite a daunting prospect. Fleet Tutors is not a directory of tutors – instead, we listen to your precise needs and search and match using our network of experienced tutors. We understand that your requirements are totally individual and go beyond the basics of the curriculum to your personal circumstances.

Managing your child’s anxieties.

Disruption to home life, school, holidays and reunions may actually be easier for your child to adapt to than you imagine. However, establishing a routine early on is vital. infographic

Good study routine

Regular changes in scenery

Regular physical activities

Cooking, games and creativity

Regular remote social contact

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How to keep the kids busy

Take a browse through some of these ideas to keep the kids busy – we will be providing links and resources and ideas aplenty to allow structured development of the mind and creative skills, cognitive development and cool homework tools that your kids might even thank you for.

Also physical activities and keep fit to ensure that exercise also remains the norm.

Activity Packs

Harry Potter World

follow the heartwarming rainbow trail

Crafts kits and hobbycraft

Global Recognition